AQUA Industries

EST. 1986

Founded in 1986 by our beloved Joe Ryder, AQUA Industries was established with the goal to offer safe and enjoyable water to all the homes in sight. Mr. Ryder believed that water was overlooked and that something so commonly used needs to be safe and proven as such. From that point on he set out on his mission, with the humble beginnings of going door to door in an old station wagon. It is because of his honesty and obvious care to the subject that people started to think more about the water that ran through the pipes in their home. With time the impact that Mr. Ryder had, became more and more abundant. Fast forward over three decades and the mission that Joe set out to achieve continues to be carried out by his son Ethan and his team. We continuously keep up to date with the most current water treatment technology to provide the best water to you and your neighbor.

Meet The Team

Ethan Ryder (General Manager)

Ethan or “E” for short started working side by side with his father at the early age of 11. His father showed him everything there was to know when it came to water treatment and now with over a decade of experience it's his turn to take over AQUA Industries. With very large shoes to fill Ethan assembled a team of rock stars to transition AQUA into a cutting-edge company that takes extreme pride in its customer service, quality of work and affordability.

Carlito Charlton (Operations Manager)

Carlito is one of the newest additions to AQUA. With background as a Firefighter and Hazmat Technician, Carlito brings a unique perspective to the water treatment industry.  Carlito spends most of his day creating a personalized plan for our client's water treatment needs and actively works with Ethan to grow and develop AQUA Industries into a premier water treatment company.

Jamin “Jay” Fego (Service Manager)

Jay started in AQUA Industries as a service technician. In the three years since his start, Jay has demonstrated a deep level of interest in not only water treatment, but the treatment of the clients themselves. Jay has truly set a new standard for excellence and customer service for AQUA Industries and continues to be a valuable member of our team. 

Jake Simmons (Field Specialist)

Jake is one of our 5-star technicians. Jake greets every day with a smile and a wawa breakfast sandwich. When there is an opportunity to help out around the office or go to an emergency customer call, Jake is always the first to volunteer. Jake also currently holds the record for the most compliments called into the office.